Short Term Applied Research Program


The STAR program focuses on New York State small businesses to address and solve time critical science and business problems with short term projects. The duration of the project depends on the academic partner - either one semester or two quarters including the summer session.

Chunlei Guo STAR

Science and Technology Path

This path targets science and technology projects incorporating local university and college faculty and students. These projects will have focused on short-term objectives. These projects will be eligible for up to a $5,000 match in NYSTAR funding on a 1:1 basis.

Business Development Path

This path targets business development projects and will be staffed by business student interns. These projects will be eligible for up to a $5,000 match in NYSTAR funding on a 1:1 basis. 

How to Apply

The links below are either Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel forms. If, when you click on the link, the appropriate program does not open, you can download the file to your computer and manually open it for editing.

PC users: right click the link and hit Save As.
Mac users: Control+click the link and hit Save As.